30 Nov 2018

Wollongong’s three Community Hubs were launched in a highly successful event at the beginning of Term 3, 2018 at Wollongong Public School.
The morning kicked off with a heartfelt and moving welcome by Aunty Bev who welcomed the refugee and migrant families to the Illawarra. Federal, state and local politicians Sharon Bird, Paul Scully and Gareth Ward along with The Lord Mayor, Gordon Bradbury then all spoke briefly and beautifully about the challenges for refugees and migrants in the Illawarra and the importance of education and community. Wollongong Public School Captain and Vice-Captain told us how having a Community Hub in their school had opened their eyes and deepened their understanding of what it means to come to this country seeking a home and a Syrian woman, who has only been learning English through the Hubs this year, spoke eloquently about the positive impact the Hubs are having on her and her family’s lives, reducing most of the audience to tears.
Children from the Wollongong and Warrawong PS choirs sang a song in Arabic (learnt especially for the occasion). Over 60 guests, included representatives from DSS (from Canberra), WCC, Multicultural Health, SSI, principals and staff from the participating schools, the many organisations in the Illawarra who are supporting the program, and the woman and children who form the hub communities, enjoyed the entertainment, speeches and delicious food.